Shoe bill stork Experience

Characteristics of Shoebill stork.

Shoebill birds lay eggs that are similar to that of a pelican and also share some DNA with pelicans.

The shoebill usually comes in between 40 and 50 inches, although it may be slightly larger than this depending on the individual bird.

Male shoebill birds usually weigh around 12 pounds and are a little bit heavier than female shoebills, but not by much.

All shoebill birds have massive spoon-like bills and feature gray plumage that is brown when they’re younger.

They have a large wingspan meant for soaring and short necks, unlike their stork and pelican relatives.

Although their body and wings are shaped somewhat like a condor, shoebills are not related to this type of bird.

Shoebills use their massive, powerful bills to kill and eat their prey, which is usually fish.

They may also eat some rodents as well as turtles and smaller birds, but this is not very common.

Shoebills clatter their bills to communicate with one another but may also rarely make mooing sounds as a form of communication as well.

1-Day Uganda Gorilla trekking safari from Kigali or Kisoro
1 Days

$ 920

per adult
14-Day Rwanda and Uganda with Gorillas, Chimps & Big Five
14 Days

$ 3950

per adult

Suggested Safari Itineraries

Reproduction of the shoebill

Shoebills are serially monogamous and form pair bonds only for the breeding season. Pairs nest solitarily and vigorously defend their territory from conspecifics.

In the extreme north and south of their range, nesting starts right after the rains end. In more central regions of the range, shoebills may nest near the end of the wet season.

Both parents engage in building the nest on a floating platform, after clearing out an area of approximately 3 m (9.8 ft.) across.

The large, flattish nesting platform is often partially submerged in water and can be as much as 3 m (9.8 ft.) deep. Both the nest and platform are made of aquatic vegetation.

The female lays 1 to 3 white eggs and both parents incubate them for approximately 30 days.

Shoebills rarely raise more than one chick because the younger chicks eventually die and are intended as “back-ups” in case the eldest chick dies or is weak.

Fledging is reached at around 105 days and the young birds can fly well by 112 days.

However, they are still fed for possibly a month or more after this.
It will take the young shoebills 3 years before they become reproductively mature and start to breed.

Suggested Safari Itineraries

3 Days Congo Gorilla Trekking Safari
3 Days

$ 1280

per adult
5 Days Congo Gorilla Safari Tour
5 Days

$ 1800

per adult


Threats to shoe bills Stork

Habitat loss.

This is affecting many animals in Africa, and the shoebill stork is no exception. People are ranching, farming, drilling, damming, and building in their natural.


Not only do the shoebills storks struggle to survive without adequate shelter, but they also go hungry when their prey dies or is pushed out of their territory.


Shoebill storks are frequently trapped and killed by hunters.

Some of them want the meat; others value a unique prize; others still want to export the shoebills across international lines.

There’s a high demand for these rare and exotic creatures, especially when they’re young.

In conclusion.

A shoe bill is a rarely seen bird with a shoe-shaped bill, only encountered in unique destinations of East Africa. A blink of an eye spot on the bird provides the extraordinary experience of God’s wonders of nature’s creation.


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